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Chinese translation for "table linen"


Related Translations:
linen:  n.1.亚麻布,亚麻线。2.〔pl.〕 亚麻布类;〔集合词〕亚麻布制品[衬衫、被单等]。3.= linen paper. shoot one's linen (放下手)露出袖口。短语和例子wash one's dirty linen in public [at home] 家丑外扬[不外扬]。adj.亚麻的,亚麻布制的;亚麻色的。
staple linen:  大宗生产亚麻织品。
chinese linen:  夏布。
linen paper:  布纹纸。
linen draper:  〔英国〕亚麻布制品商。
dirty linen:  家丑。
linen closet:  (放床单、桌布等的)亚麻织品衣橱。
boiled linen:  脱胶亚麻布,精练亚麻布。
bed linen:  床用织品〔床单、枕套等〕。
canton linen:  夏布。
Example Sentences:
1.The job of the chair is to choose table linens ,
2.The job of the chair is to choose table linens ,
3.Let me see , table linen , 5 , 000 sets , same type of set as before
4.Let me see , table linen , 5 , 000 sets , same type of set as before
5.We expect to find a good market for these table linens and hope to place further and larger orders with you in the near future
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